Mr. Black Is A Serious Coffee Liqueur Made By People Who Like A Good Drink!
Australian's have always been known for their love of a good drink and, as of late, have also become renowned for having one of the most innovative coffee scenes in the world. Mr Black Cold Pressed Coffee Liqueur has been created to combine these two aspects into one very polished product that stands head and shoulders above other coffee liqueurs. The idea came about when, in 2012, two men from Sydney saw the success craft gin was having and decided to start a coffee liqueur company in order to bring coffee into the evening. The two men in question are Tom Baker, a designer who worked in product development for top drinks companies before deciding to go it alone and Philip Moore, a renowned and highly awarded distiller. No great vision comes to fruition without hard work, and the duo spent nine months running hundreds of trials to perfect the taste of Mr Black Coffee Liqueur. When they won a gold medal at the London International Wine and Spirits competition, they knew they had got the formula right. Despite the success of Mr Black, each bottle is still made by hand at the distillery in New South Wales. Mr Black is entirely cold-extracted with no addition of flavours, preservatives, caramels or vanillas; these are generally used to disguise lower grade coffee or an inferior process. Cold extraction is done at significantly lower temperatures to an espresso – 23 degrees in the case of Mr Black. The result is a less acidic brew with a rounder mouth feel and big coffee flavour. Creating a coffee that can stand up to blending with spirits, Mr Black uses a significantly higher coffee-to-water ratio and longer steep time than traditional cold brew. The guys look at creating a coffee liqueur as akin to blending a good whisky and choose the finest coffee beans from around the world accordingly. Brazilian Arabica - A combination of a more traditional ‘French’ roast and a lighter, more contemporary roast. The Brazilian brings the unmistakable ‘fresh coffee’ flavour to the brew and is the foundation of the blend. Ethiopian Djimmah - A specialty coffee with a light-medium roast to bring fruit, toffee and chocolate flavours. PNG - A flavour classic of the region, PNG coffee brings a zesty citrus orange marmalade character. Mr Black Cold Press Coffee LiqueurColour: Black Ink. Aroma: Overwhelming fresh espresso. Body: Bitter, yet balanced. Chocolate and caramels. Fine citrus edge. Finish: Toffee. Marmalade. Coffee obviously! This is a liqueur that has certainly been made for coffee purists and has a delightfully fresh flavour. This is perfect to enjoy over ice or add to your favourite cocktail, the possibilities are endless. The guys behind Mr Black recommend mixing the liqueur 50:50 with whisky, mezcal, tequila or rum for an easy demonstration of what coffee can bring to mixed drinks. You can buy Mr Black Cold Pressed Coffee Liqueur here.