Old Forester Bourbon 43% 100cl

Old Forester is America's first bottled Bourbon Whiskey. Originally made by George Garvin Brown in 1870 it still uses the same recipe. Twice-distilled, this remarkable spirit is crafted using a precise grain recipe of corn, rye and malted barley. Old Forester is richer in rye than most bourbons, resulting in a uniquely full, rich, genuine character.
Colou: Reddish burnt orange.
Nose: Rich vanilla and chocolate caramel, complex and mature soft fruit medley with hints of citrus and traces of malt.
Nose: w/water Fruit notes explode into mature oak.
Taste: Complex, sharp, dry chocolate-cocoa swings into a sweet, sappy oak, rich harvest corn and sun-dried hay (malt). Hints of fruit linger in the background.
Finish: Sweet, light then quickly drying.

country America
distillery Old Forester
strength 43%
whiskey country America
whiskey type Bourbon
Stock code: 112465
    country America
    distillery Old Forester
    strength 43%
    whiskey country America
    whiskey type Bourbon

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