Professor Ampleforth Wins Awards

Breaking news everyone, The Gin Masters 2015 results have been announced and Bathtub Gin has been awarded a prestigious Master Medal in the Ultra Premium category. Bathtub gin was once a standalone product but is now part of the Professor Cornelius Ampleforth range which can be identified by the very distinctive packaging; the bottles are hand wrapped in brown paper and sealed with string and wax. They look very Victorian and they look like they could contain all manner of potions and lotions for imbibing! Speaking of which, the rest of the Professor Cornelius Ampleforth range got their fair share of the lime light too with Bathtub Gin Navy Strength picking up a Gold Medal in the Navy Strength category. Bathtub Gin Old Tom Gin took a Silver Medal in the Old Tom category and Bathtub Gin Sloe Gin won a Silver Medal in the Sloe category. The range also includes some tasty rum in the form of Rumbullion, Rumbullion Navy Strength and Rumbullion XO, all great examples of the premium rum expressions that are proving to be so popular at the moment. So what are you waiting for, grab a bottle and see what all the fuss is about!